Keep the faith with this ugly world spinning round me?
Guns and wars is all I hear of anymore.
You wanna be better than me, so you just kill me.
Where are you my loving God?
Why do you let this happen?
My faith is sure and strong and right.
I will stand strong in the dead of night.
What’s this world coming to?
When will all this pain end?
Though my many questions
I know will never end.
But you have all the answers
In these last days.
You see. Everything happens for a reason.
My God will you forgive me?
I have killed as they have
Maybe not in the same way
With words and deeds so hurtful
Maybe I’ve turned a child away.
I know with my repentance
I am Yours once more.
As I kneel on that worn spot on the floor.
I know that you’ve forgiven me
The sins that I have done.
I want them to know that
Also they can be forgiven.
They have killed, but you forgive.
Save us from the evil one.
We turn to You, my loving God.
It’s to you we run.
And in the end the pain we will feel no more
For in your presence we will rejoice.
For we’ve been forgiven once more.

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