A Time For All Things

A time to die,
A time to live,
A time to tear,
A time to mend,
What happens if my time comes too soon?

A time to die,
A time to live,
A time to weep,
A time to laugh,
What happens when I’m weeping inside?
Do I weep on the outside?

A time to hate,
A time to love,
A time to sow,
A time to reap,
When you’re taught to hate, can you learn to love?
When you sow, what will you reap?

A time to mourn,
A time to dance,
A time to love,
A time to hate,
Shall I dance while I’m mourning?

A time to embrace
And a time to refrain,
A time to be silent,
And a time to speak,
When is the right time?
Do I speak my mind or hold my tongue?
Do I hug you or let you go?

A time to search
And a time to give up,
A time for war and
A time for peace,
Shall I kill my enemy?

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