I’m sorry Mom; I’ll do better next time,
Just please don’t yell again. It’s just I
Fell, I stumbled I need help up again,
But your not there to help me, mom,
To catch me when I fall.

I’m sorry I fail so much I guess that’s
My downfall. I wish that you’d stand
By me and love me for who I am.

I strive to be that person you want
Me to be, I know, I know that I can.
You just watch someday I’ll make
You happy you’ll see. Then I can
Rest and maybe then you’ll take
My best and be happy with me.

I’m sorry I can’t do it now.
I want your love you see.
I’ll work harder, I’ll strive
To be that person you want me to be.
I want you to love me for who I am
The person God made me to be.

But it seems you can’t, so that means
I can not be me. I do my best, but you
Take the rest and tell me that you aren’t
Happy. I’m sorry, mom, I really am trying.

You just wait and see one day I’ll be that
Perfect daughter, mom the one you
Imagined me to be.

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